Monday, June 9, 2014

[OOTD 6.9.14] Going Formal

Dressing formally is always fun because it makes me feel elegant and all that jazz but I don't do it very often since all I do is go to school or lounge at home. A few days ago, there was a formal presentation I had to do, so I went all out. 

The bright color blazer brings out color and adds a more business formal feel.

I chose to wear oxfords even though I would totally go for heels but because I'm already very tall (5"7) and I have height complex, I've never really worn heels outside of my house.

I had a debate with my sister whether I should wear the pink blazer that totally pops or the nude color blazer that kind of blends in and matches with my shoes. I wanted to wear the nude blazer because I don't like too much attention with my bright color but the nude blazer is just way too big for me and it makes me look too unflattering. If they were the same size, which one would you choose?

Pink Blazer - Target
Dress - H&M
Oxfords - Forever 21

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Honey-roasted Pecans

I love love LOVE pecans. Pecans itself without anything has a natural sweetness to it and it's not hard like almond or too dry like peanuts. It's already so good by itself, it's even better with HONEY. This is a healthy treat I've been making for myself really often because I just gobble them so fast. It's really simple and requires very basic items.


  • 2 cups pecan
  • 2 tbs honey
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degree Fahrenheit
  2. Put your pecans on a baking sheet and bake it for 5 minutes
  3. After 5 min, take the pecans out and into a bowl and quickly mix in the honey and salt. Once the pecans and covered with honey evenly, put it back on the baking sheet and back into the oven.
  4. Leave it in the oven for around 1 hour to1 hour 30 min. Once you can smell the honey from another room, it's pretty much done.
  5. Take it out and separate the pecans from each other to prevent them from getting stuck after they've cooled.
  6. Wait until the pecans completely cools and store in a sealed container to keep it fresh and crispy.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

[OOTD 2.26.14] Stuck in Winter

It's the end of February and spring is definitely coming. Winter felt like 3 days in California so I thought I might not be able to wear my winter apparel anymore but these few days it was a little bit more chilly then usual so it kinda felt right to wear this winter-ish style one more time before putting it away.

Coat - American Eagle Outfitter
Sweater - thrifted
Jeans - Forever 21
Boots - Local Boutique

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Practice Makes Perfect

I had time to practice with photography today again. I know this is not the most interesting things but I'm still trying to come up with good contents, so for now, I will just fill up my blog with a bunch of pictures u3u

ps i don't live in that address anymore

Monday, January 20, 2014


Because today was a day off, I get to stay home so I took advantage of this beautiful natural lighting and practice using my dslr. Even though I've had this camera for a good amount of time, I didn't actually use it that much at all. It really is hard to get a result I want with a dslr but I will get there u3u

Here are some sort of decent pictures:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blog Plan

A friend of mine has recently reminded me of this blog's existence. I realized that after I had made this blog, I have done absolutely nothing, so I thought I should write out a plan to help me organize my thoughts on what to do with this blog.

I will start with:

  • Fashion - either OOTD's or just things I've been interested in
  • Product reviews - mostly beauty products probably, and maybe just hauls
  • Food - Recipes?? Or just pictures of really good food hahha.
  • Cosplay Progress - I've always been interested in cosplay but I haven't really been doing much. But when I do, I'll be sure to post some progress.
  • Life - What's a blog without journal entries hahaha. I want to start training myself to notice things in life and be able to write about it, so this could be a start.
I think this is about it and I should make this my 2014 New Year Resolution. Wish me luck !! ;3;